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Kate, who has been dating with the Prince since they met at university eight years ago, is seen as a modern Cinderella with links of london. Charms The romantic relationship between her and her royal beau catches great attention. links of london And she is even expected to be a second Princess Diana. links of london Just like Princess Diana, Kate is neither a lady from a good family and is widely accepted with outstanding beauty and temperature. links of london But it doesn't influence her in manners and behavior as the girlfriend of Prince since they began to date in 2003. charm bracelet Besides, Kate Middleton's good taste in fashion is also admired by others, being a fashion linkslondon icon of the new generation of Britain. gold charm bracelets Her special temperature could be showed totally even just with a pair of simple charm bracelet. linkslondon But lately an engagement is said around the corner. "A communiqué is in preparation announcing the marriage between William and Miss Katherine Middleton," the magazine said. links of london links of londonThat's because William will take his girlfriend to Balmoral, the royal retreat in Scotland, for a weekend of shooting with the Queen, reported news of the World on Monday. links of london Although Kate has dinner with the Queen alongside William before, this will be the first time she has lunched alone with the royal grandma. links of london As what was said by the Daily Express: "it is a signal that Kate has been accepted by the Queen as a qualified member of 'the firm'." silver links of london bracelets linkslondonThey will discuss exactly what it would mean if Kate became a Royal Highness and the extent to which her life would change. silver links of london bracelets Is Kate really a perfect match for William? Just wait and see. links of london
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